My husband and I have never used any contraceptives during sex since we’ve been married. Some may say that’s not smart for “family planning”. But the truth is, our lives-so our choice. Period.
We didn’t actually start getting serious about “trying” to get pregnant until a about 8 or so months prior to actually getting pregnant. And that was already a good 4 years into out marriage. That fact that we haven’t been using contraceptives for so long and still haven’t unexpectedly gotten pregnant, got us a little worried when we started thinking about trying to get pregnant.

So first, I went to my OBGYN, to see if I had any medical issues preventing me from getting pregnant. But that appointment got me nowhere information-wise. Instead, the doctor suggested that my husband gets a sperm analysis done to check his sperm count levels.
Then, Hubby went to a Urologist to see if he has any medical issues preventing pregancy. He got a couple of tests done as per his doctor’s advise. The test results indicated low sperm count levels.
So I did some research, and I thought that we could both benefit from taking some pre-conception suppliments. Hubby took 3 types of pills that supposedly: boosted sperm count, improved sperm motility, and an overal fertility aide suppliments” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener nofollow”>fertility aide suppliment.
At some point one of Hubby’s doctor’s (can’t remember shich specialist) stated that “fertility suppliments don’t really work”. Which, I’m not going to lie, was really disappointing to hear. But despite that comment, we continued to take these suppliments for a good few months. It helped ease our minds in a way, kind of like a placebo effect.

We also started, sort of “scheduling” sex during my ovulation week, every month for a good 6 months, prior to getting pregnant. Thankfully, my menstruation was very predictable every month. So it wasn’t hard to keep track using a calendar. I also used an app to reaffirm the ovulating dates along with my calendar.
Continue onto the next blog post: Prelude Cont. IUI consideration.
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