So my blood type of O-, which means that it’s RH-. Hubby’s blood type is O+, which means it’s RH+. This was important, because the OBGYN originally made the implication that the difference in our blood types can potentially harm the babies while in the womb. In other words, my OBGYN implied that if my blood mixed with my babies’ blood then my body would essentially attack the twins as though they’re foreign substances.

That being said, my doctor made it known early on that if I ever start bleeding, that I would have to go to the ER immediately to get a specific injection called “RhoGam“, which helps prevent my body from making antibodies against my babies.
During my 10th week of my pregnancy, Hubby and I had one of the biggest scares of our lives!
It was a Friday, and I went to work as usual. During the end of my 7am-3pm work day, around 2:30pm or so, I went to use the bathroom. When I was wiping myself after voiding in the toilet, I noticed blood, a lot of blood! Almost as though I was getting my menstrual period!
I was mentally freaking out! I told myself that since I clock out of work by 3pm, I’ll just wait until then, before doing/thinking anything drastic.
When I left work and got in my car, I called Hubby immediately and told him what I saw. I know he was comtemplating the worst case scenerio too but he was trying to stay as calm as he could. I needed that. We decided to wait until I get home to see if the bleeding stops or not before considering going to the hospital.

Unfortunately when I got home, I saw that the bleeding didn’t stop. I called Hubby again to tell him and he somehow managed to leave work a little early that day to take me to the hospital.
As we waited in the waiting room of the ER, we both sat in complete silence. I just quietly prayed to myself begging Allah SWT not to take away the biggest joy we only just recently were blessed with. I looked up at Hubby at one point and saw his eyes were teary.
It felt like we were sitting in that waiting room forever! At some point Hubby felt like he had to go do something to speed things along so that we can get called into the ER department faster and get the treatment we needed. And if that meant that he had to start making some noise to get the process moving, then that’s just what he did. He’s good about doing things like that.
In any case, it worked. The admission’s intake nurse called me in to ask a few questions. She asked me if I was having any abdominal pain. I answered honestly and said “no”. And she suddenly didn’t seem so worried about the bleeding situation, which gave me a little confidence that it probably wasn’t the worst case scenerio that we were imagining.

Soon enough they called us into the back. It wasn’t the ER department. It was more like an urgent care department. There, a doctor examined me and they took a sonogram of the twins. Even during the sonogram, the technitian didn’t seem too worried about what she was looking at on the screen.
In the end, the doctor told us that the bleeding was caused by a “subchorionic hemorrhage” and that it was pretty common and nothing to worry about. Alhamdulillah!
However, just to be on the safe side, they recommended that it was best to give me the RhoGam shot since I experienced a bleeding episode.
This doctor also explained that most likely since this is my 1st pregnancy, the chances of my body attacking my twins is very small. And that concern usually applies to any subsequent pregnancies I may have in the future. Hearing that really eased our worries a lot.
Alhamdullah. Allahu ‘Akbar!
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